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Things You Should Not Do after Normal Childbirth

Normal childbirth process can drain the mother's energy, both physically and mentally. Generally it takes around 6-12 weeks for recovery. So that the recovery period is going well, there are some things that should not be done after a normal delivery. There are some changes in the body that need to be dealt with after delivery. These conditions include fatigue, discharge of puerperal blood, pain in the vaginal sutures, pain during urination, digestive disorders, changes in body shape, and even mental stress.

Things to Avoid after Normal Childbirth

Not only can postpartum body changes cause discomfort, but it also makes you more at risk of infection, bleeding, and even postpartum depression. So that the recovery period after childbirth goes well, you are advised not to do the following things:

    1. Doing physical activity or strenuous exercise

    Mothers who have just given birth should not immediately do strenuous physical activity. Doing it too fast can cause injury because the body is still recovering. Especially if the birth process is problematic or you didn't have an active lifestyle before. If the doctor allows it, do the exercises gradually. Start with mild exercise, such as walking. Avoid swimming for the first week, because puerperal blood is still heavy and susceptible to infection. Also avoid sports that use abdominal muscles, such as sit ups, because the pelvic and abdominal muscles are still weak. Other activities, such as driving, going up and down stairs, and lifting heavy loads, should also only be carried out if the doctor has permitted them. This activity generally can only be done about 6 weeks after giving birth.

    2. Negligent care of the female area

    In normal labor, tears in the vaginal opening are common, so they need stitches. After delivery, you will also experience puerperium which is marked by bleeding like menstruation, for 4-6 weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to take good care of the intimate organs, so that the vaginal sutures are not torn or become infected. You can clean your vagina regularly, especially after urinating and defecating. Keep the vagina dry and replace the pads every 3-4 hours. In addition, be diligent in washing your hands and showering with warm water. So that the stitches are maintained, do not push too hard. If constipation, it is better to ask the doctor for a stool softener.

    3. Having sex

    Perineal tears and puerperal bleeding not only increase the risk of infection, but also cause pain in the vaginal area. In addition, the vagina will also become drier if the mother is breastfeeding. Therefore, intimate relationships should be postponed. Sexual penetration can generally be done 2-6 weeks after giving birth or according to the doctor's permission. As an alternative so that the husband and wife relationship remains harmonious, you can make out by hugging or kissing.

    4. Too emotionally absorbed

    Feeling confused, anxious, and sad after giving birth is very common. However, don't be too absorbed in this emotion, because it can lead to postpartum depression. Try to share stories and feelings with your partner, family, or close friends. You can also make time for yourself, even if you are busy taking care of your newborn baby.

    5. Go on a strict diet

    You may want your body to return to its original shape immediately. However, a strict diet is not recommended because it can interfere with the fulfillment of important nutrients and hinder the body's recovery process after giving birth. In addition, for mothers who give breast milk to their babies, a strict diet will affect the nutritional content in breast milk.
By avoiding things that should not be done after giving birth normally, your recovery process will go well. You will also avoid infection, bleeding, and postpartum depression. If you experience complaints after a normal delivery, do not hesitate to see a doctor immediately.


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